Tuesday 5 February 2008

Is ‘Human Rights’ in Sri Lanka a prerogative of the minorities?

Human Rights Watch, AI, UN and all others who cry about human rights in Sri Lanka should answer; Is ‘Human Rights’ in Sri Lanka a prerogative of the minorities?


Jack Point said...

Presumably the minorities being responsible for these atrocities?

Faz said...

Any right that becomes a prerogative of any group,party or race ceases to become a right anymore.

What we see around us, across the globe, is a violation f human rights by one group or individual against another. It happens both ways. Majority vs Minority and vice versa.

What needs to fixed is the acceptance and acknowledgment that we are all human beings first and that we have responsibilities, duties and commitments towards each other as humans.

Surely, we can take a better example from the Kingdom Animalia?