Shame, Shame, Shame!
Mr. President, I am intrigued and appalled by the silence and inaction (so far) by you regarding the diabolical behaviour of Mervin Silva – the Thug Minister of your government. I am sure that you understand the majority of right thinking people of the nation, wholeheartedly approve the response dished out yesterday by the Rupavahini staff to this unscrupulous moron. The nation is sick and tired of the behaviour and actions of some of your ministers and their ‘public funded thugs’. I am sure this is not what you promised us with your ‘Mahinda Chinthanya’ when we elected you to lead the nation. I fail to understand ‘why’ as the Leader of the Nation you accommodate these thugs in your team? Regrettably we are at the receiving end of their dastardly acts as long as you keep them in high office. I am certain that you understand that this does not reflect well on you as the President, other good Ministers, good officials and the Nation as a whole. Like many other citizens, I feel ashamed and embarrassed when the outside world witness this malady and like to believe you feel the same. I also find it hard to explain my children when they ask questions about what they see on TV and read in newspapers. I have no doubt you share my pain, anger and frustration. I urge you to put and end to this ‘cancer’ that is destroying the Nation and your Leadership - immediately by driving these maniacs away from holding responsible posts in the government.
Finally I ask you Mr. President, who is more important to you; ‘a bunch of mad thugs lead by the moron Mervin Silva’ or the millions of people who yearn for peace and justice?
I have my serious doubts of the ‘whiteness’ of the Sri Lankan media. But, it’s worrying to see how the powers are trying to control the ‘few’ outlets that people have to express their views!
This is what makes us go and vote for the ‘least – Bad – Johnny’ once in every five years… They should know by now that we vote for them NOT because they are GOOD, but because the OTHERS’ are fucking worse than THEM!
Then, why are you making such false claims? Why?
Well, well, well. These days the Srilankan Blogsphere’s overflowing with talk of an Aston Martin DB9 apparently bring driven by Namal (No one’s really saying the boys name, but we all know its Namal that they are talking about). There’s also info about how much this car is worth and it being James Bonds’ car and that it’s not suitable for Sri Lankan roads. Now that’s a load of rubbish. May be you can’t achieve the full performance of the machine on our bumpy roads, but there’s no question about its suitability. Then the other issue is about the price tag. Now, no one seems to confirm to whom this really belongs to and who paid for this. If it was paid by the government, then there is a case. If it was paid by a private individual, then all the government can do is to charge the due taxes.
If someone gives me DB9 to drive or as a gift, I wouldn’t think twice, I’d grab it at once. Never mind whether it’s going to have implication on my fathers’ image or what. It’s such a fantastic car, no one in his right mind would let go of such an opportunity. I don’t think there’s anything wrong in that. All those who make such a big deal about this car is either trying to make some cheap political mileage or simply envious of the boy.
I truly think that as a country ‘Sri Lanka Rocks’! I say this because I have had a great time growing up in
So let's Rock N Roll!